4th meeting of the Advisory Board

This month’s meeting of the Advisory Board provided a wonderful opportunity to reflect back on the second year of the project, which is currently drawing to a close. We have many positives to report:

  • data gathering for our research is well-advanced;
  • we ran a very successful two day conference in April on Narrative Spaces in Scottish Jewish Culture;
  • Mia and Hannah have been speaking at academic conferences and local events about our work;
  • we appointed Philip Alexander as RA, who adds a whole new area of expertise to the project.
  • we have piloted digitisation and produced a guidance document;
  • SJAC has chosen documents and images suitable for digitisation.
    • We should see a representative glimpse of the SJAC’s collections online due course and thus fulfil one of our project goals.
  • JLSS will represented with a panel at the 2017 Conference of the British Association for Jewish Studies in Edinburgh;
  • further conference participation is planned for the later this year and in early 2018.
  • plans for communicating our research to a wider, non-academic audience are under way:
    • during the Fringe Festival JLSS and the Edinburgh Jewish Literary Society will be conducting two tours in Edinburgh: ‘Jewish Edinburgh on Foot’;
    • in collaboration with other projects at the University of Edinburgh, the walking tours will be prepared for use inside an app, so anyone visiting Edinburgh can construct their own walks.

It is good to have a time to take stock and look back. With renewed energy and drive we are looking forward to the next year of the project! Watch this space.